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We are pleased to announce the availability of several new features in the ProntoForms system.
- Google Cloud Print Data Destination
The ProntoForms data destination framework now supports Google's Cloud Print service. Enabling your forms to use Google Cloud Print means you can immediately route your completed mobile forms for output to your printer. For information on the new destination, please visit:
https://support.prontoforms.com/entries/23298707-Google-Cloud-Print-Data-Destination - Custom Filtering Rule Improvement for Data Destinations
ProntoForms administrators can use filtering rules to control which data destinations will handle a completed form as it is received from a mobile device. Use the filtering functionality to do things like send select forms to a manager's email address, or for immediate printing in the back office. The feature uses the ProntoForms data record expression language, so filtering rules can be conditional on user-entered form values, or form meta data like the username or form name. With this release, we've added the ability to control whether a form submission must "Match All" administrator rules for the data destination to apply to a submission, or is the submission can "Match Any". For more information, please visit:
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