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Error Message
"No Form Definitions Downloaded" "No form definitions found." This error can be seen in the "Forms" box. |
- No forms available in "Forms" box
- New forms or data sources will not download to the device
- Reconcile times out or does not complete
- Forms may also be stuck in the Outbox
No connection to ProntoForms server
The device may have a poor network connection/no connection for any of the following reasons:
- Device is being used in an area with no/poor connection
- Device is connecting to Wifi that is present but has a poor signal, or requires the user to login (Wifi hotspots in coffee shops, hotel Wifi); most devices will automatically switch to available Wifi to save data
- Airplane mode is turn on
- Cellular data is turned off
Note that if forms were previously downloaded when the device had a network connection, they will still be listed in the Forms and Inbox screens, but they (and associated data sources) may be out of date.
No forms assigned to user
The user may not have access to forms for any of the following reasons:
- User is not in a Group
- User is in a Group, but the Group is not assigned to a FormSpace
- The Group is assigned to a FormSpace, but there are no forms in a state that the group can view (Active vs. Draft vs. Archived)
- Follow the steps listed here to add the user to a group.
Device has not been reconciled since forms were assigned to the user
If forms were assigned to the user after they last logged in, they will not see them in their Forms box unless they have reconciled.
Steps to Resolve
- Reconcile the device. Please take note if any other error messages occur.
- Check your connection.
- Confirm that the user is in a group that is assigned to forms.
Follow the links above to help troubleshoot the problem.
If the above links did not help and forms are still not loading on your device, please contact your ProntoForms Administrator or contact ProntoForms Support Desk: support@prontoforms.com.
Visit the ProntoForms Documentation Portal to find out more about the ProntoForms Mobile App.
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