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We’d like to get your feedback
If you are facing a challenge that you would like to solve by using TrueContext, we would like to hear from you.
Submitting product feedback
Please email your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to submit your feedback. If you don’t know who your CSM is, please submit your feedback to success@truecontext.com. If you have a technical issue, please contact our Customer Support team.
When you share your feedback, we assume that you have a problem you would like to solve by using TrueContext. Please clearly describe the problem, including:
- information about the problem you would like to solve;
- enough detail for others to understand the problem;
- the context or environment (e.g., is the problem happening in the web portal, and if so, which page? Is it happening in the mobile app, and if so, is it in iOS, Android, or Windows?);
- those impacted by the problem (e.g., are mobile users having this problem, or form builders, or administrators?);
- any suggested solutions; and
- screenshots illustrating the problem or suggested solution are often helpful.
Focus on the problem
When submitting your feedback, focus on the problem. While proposed solutions are certainly welcome and helpful, if information about the problem is not included or unclear, we may misunderstand what is needed and miscalculate the benefit of potential solutions.
For example, there may be feedback from five different customers, all proposing a very different solution to the same problem. It is easier for our team to spot the link between all these elements -- i.e., the core problem -- if the problem is openly stated.
Why this is unhelpful:
- the problem is not described, just the desired solution;
- there are no reasons given for why the font color should be changed to black; and
- the request lacks detail - there is no information given about where this problem is occurring, whether it is in the web portal, in the mobile app on an Android phone or iOS device.
Why this is helpful:
- the problem is clearly described: the gray text of "read-only" questions is hard to read for certain users;
- it describes who is affected: mobile users on Android devices;
- it describes the environment: the mobile app; and
- it includes an idea for a potential solution that TrueContext designers could consider.
Suggested format for your feedback
Email subject: Product Feedback
Problem: Describe the problem from a business perspective. Include details about how you’re working around the problem.
Affected Users: List which Users are being affected (for example, form builder, field users, administrator).
Environment: Include which types of devices are involved.
Suggested Solution: Describe any ideas that you think could address the problem.
Other resources
TrueContext has a vibrant user community where users can swap implementation tips, ideas and best practices.
For how-to content and guides, visit our Product Documentation Portal.
For technical support, contact our Customer Support team.
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