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Some errors will require users to send a copy of the problem draft from their mobile app. This can be done in the app's Settings screen (on iOS) and in the Drafts box (on Android).
Note: Please only send drafts when they are requested by support personnel. Additionally, this feature is not currently available in the Windows App.
Before sending drafts to support, you must have a Support Ticket Number. This will be supplied to you by your contact at ProntoForms Support.
Sending Drafts (iOS)
Access app Settings.
Select Advanced Settings.
Under the Diagnostics heading, select Send Drafts to Support. Note: This option will only be available if you have saved Drafts in your Drafts folder.
Select your preferred e-mail app and outgoing address, add your Support Ticket Number to the subject line, and hit Send.
Sending Drafts (Android)
Navigate to the Drafts folder.
Press down the draft in question until a tick box appears.
Select the email icon
Select your preferred e-mail app and outgoing address, add your Support Ticket Number to the subject line, and hit Send.
If you are still having issues, you can contact the Support Desk for further assistance.
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